Spandex or we call it, Lycra is well-known for its elastic properties. This makes it one of the best fabrics for the most active professionals like dancers, athletes, runners, etc. Because these are the professions, where the participants are exposed to high-moisture content and sweat on a regular basis.
What does our Moisture management Fabric has, that keep you safe?
Our Fabric inherits special properties that make us the best Moisture Managers. A glimpse of some of the properties that our Moisture Management Spandex Fabric has is listed below:
- Our Fabric not only releases moisture but also maintains its level
- Better permeability of air and water vapour
- Fast moisture releases and absorption
- No dampness of clothes
- Dying of our Fabric is faster
- Your skin is closer to the Low water absorption layer of the clothing
- Stable dimensions that retain its shape even while wet
- Long-lasting fabric
- Easy to wear and hence offers great comfort zone
- Not very heavy instead very light in weight
Moisture spandex is considered an ideal fabric for such professions. Let us see why?
The benefits of using this Moisture Spandex
- This fabric helps the participant to discharge moisture from the body and make it cool.
- Protects the body from any kind of damages due to wetness or oils.
Types of Fabrics that Moisture content:
- Alpha Tek Mesh
85% Nylon and rest Spandex is considered perfect for swimming, cycling, sports, Yoga, and much more. Multiple color options that can be selected according to your taste.
- Moisture Management Tricot
83%Polyester and rest Spandex. This fabric keeps your body dry and cool all the time. Considered perfect for Head Wear, Golf, Running, and much more. The Anti-microbial finish on the fabric layer protects your body from any unwanted microbial bites or infections.
- Eco-green Yarn
84% recycled Polyester and rest spandex. Spandex Eco-friendly Moisture Management Fabric comes with a layer of anti-microbial coating. This fabric is considered best for leggings, sports, and much more. Since the fabric is eco-green, its manufacturing, processing, or any other development stage doesn’t harm the environment. Less fabric is wasted so that lesser goes in landfills, don’t contain any petroleum content, Lesser amount of greenhouse gasses are released, does less harm to the environment and planet Earth.
- Thermal Wicking Fabric
92% Polyester and rest Spandex. Perfect for Moisture management and controlling growth of microbes. Can be worn at the time of skiing, head wears, and much more.
- Heavy Compression
87.50% VX Perfotek, Nylon-12.50% Spandex. This fabric is best suited for Yoga, sports, and much more. Anti-microbial coating on the fabric protects it from microbial infections. A wide range of color options available to choose the best.
These Moisture Management fabrics are best suited for dancers and gym practitioners. Many customized clothes can be tailored according to the needs and requirements of customers. This list of Moisture Management Fabric is very big and we have compiled a list of only a few of them. You can get an idea from this list and visit our website for more details.